Saturday, August 31, 2019

Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror Essay

Throughout history, the motivation of man’s self interest has concluded in the domination of those with little or no power in the absence of the rule of law. The war on terror presents an unpredictable challenge for the United States whereas terrorists are apprehended and deprived of due process. The right of Habeas corpus overrules man’s interpretation, in which allows those accused federal and state court representation before judge, or jury. It asserts that accusers deemed innocent until proven guilty, accusers possessed the right to representation, appear in person, and charges brought forth. This essay will concentrate on the evolution of habeas corpus, and its suspension by the United States, its relevance during the war on terror, and the United States Supreme Court’s interpretation. Nevertheless, these laws are in place to protect every one, moreover to avoid unlawful apprehension, and ensure that habeas corpus works as intended by the Constitution. The historical evolution of habeas corpus born from the Magna Carta, known as the English Bill of Rights began in England in the early 1200s. Under force from English barons, King John of England placed his signature on the Magna Carta in 1215, in which comprised of a list of human rights and civil liberties. It asserted that the King needed consent from his legislative body to impose taxes upon its citizens. Halliday (2011) notes that habeas corpus serves as a writ and a scrabble parchment that a judge ordered a jailer to bring forth a named prisoner to court to face said written charges. This very important document additionally established that trial and due process of law must occur previous to confiscating property or freedom from any free man who resided in England. Instead of King John stepping down from power he agreed to place boundaries on the power of the monarchy, sign the Magna Carta, wherein honored the constitutional rights and privileges of his countrymen. This document serves as a treaty of union, and agreement with the King wherein guaranteed and respected the civil liberties (personal freedoms) (Levin-Waldman, 2012) of its citizens. Only in the presence of rule of law prohibits countrymen from depriving countrymen of basic human rights. Politicians, and citizens augur that this act occurred in America when the national Defense authorization act (NDAA) passed in 2011. Opponents suggests that this bill proves unconstitutional for the reason that it strips away habeas corpus, thus allowing the detainment of American citizens suspected of terrorist activity for an indefinite period devoid of a trial. Other politicians, and citizens consider this act stands as a breach of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1876 in which forbid the Army’s participation in domestic lawful assembly on American soil. The suspension of habeas corpus number in the few for good reason, and presidents, politicians, and Supreme Court justices auger whether or not the Constitution offer provisions to commit such an act. However, the rights of habeas corpus denied by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862 during the American Civil War, and in 2006 by President George Bush fighting the war on terror. The reasons for the suspension of habeas corpus by Lincoln and Bush were worlds apart as explained by Foner, (n.d.). Foner notes that Lincoln were perhaps on the threshold of losing a nation; whereas, Bush believe it essential to detain prisoners of war without due process of law after the attacks by terrorists on September 11, 2001. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 signed into law by President Bush gave unlimited authority toward establishing a military commission. On the other hand, Lincoln deemed it vital to protect a stretch of land from Baltimore to Washington DC. This railroad line involved transportation, troop movement, and delivering supplies. Only in the occurrence of rebellion or invasion does the president possess the power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus; however, the terms rebellion, and invasion takes on several meanings, and which undergo litigating through generations to generation. In other words, in grave situations concerning the safety of the public, the federal government can incontestably suspend the privilege or writ of habeas corpus under the Constitution.constitutional right On July 12, 2008 majority justice Kennedy joined by Breyer, Ginsburg, Souter, and Stevens held that prisoners at Guantanamo Bay suspected of committing terrorism possess constitutional rights, in which allows them the process of challenging their detention in the United States civil court of law. The courts only reiterated that before the Bill of Rights appeared in the Constitution, habeas corpus stood as a civil right for prisoners of war. The Bush administration drew heavy scrutiny regard to civil rights from majority justice Kennedy regarding those detained at Guantanamo, in which he concluded that the Constitution warrants nothing less than full habeas corpus. Some members of the Supreme Court consider the act of Denying any prisoner of war, especially Afghan soldiers stands one of those extreme measures in which the government denies habeas corpus, thus committing war crimes under the Geneva Convention. Moreover, the three branches of the United States government collectively re cognize the Geneva Convention as binding (Katyal, Bongiovanni, & Valentini, 2007). On the other hand, for many court justices denying rights to terrorists seems deserving of anyone who sets out to kill innocent people anywhere although not in the act of war; nevertheless, Congress does not possess the power to strike away these rights. However, Congress provided the federal courts will habeas corpus jurisdiction from its inception, and it will take affirmative action to withdraw jurisdiction (Vladeck, 2010). Fighting the war on terror proves the most unconventional war any country face. These individuals entire life consist of killing Americans citizens or anyone (infidels) meaning those who do not accept Islamic faith when and wherever an opportunity present itself. People speculate that should mindless rhetoric, such as this merit traditional representation of the Constitution, and the answer varies throughout the nation. There proves a need for habeas corpus because of its humane connotation. In other words, every form of torture, and some critics make auger that some form of torture considered beneath the conduct of the United States; moreover those that participate in such a manner prove not worthy of wearing the United States military uniform. Many Americans believe the Bush administration proceeded overzealously in the efforts to fight terrorism. Nevertheless; subsequent to terrorists striking down the World Trade Center buildings in New York City, American citizens wanted the United States to strike back immediately with deadly force. Just under 4000 citizens perished in the attacks bestowed on New York City on September 11, 2001, and the Bush administration worked tirelessly to gather intelligence before making decisive maneuvers to bring those responsible to justice. Niday, (2008) notes that in the immediate wake of 9/11 the war receive near unanimous support of the war on terror from both sides of the aisles and the Bush administration employed terms such as illegal combatants, and enemy combatants to bolster its campaign. In times of calamity, Americans, and people throughout the world stand at their best, and pull together in unison to aid one another. One could almost surmise that Americans may fight among each other issues of race, politics, and human rights; however, failed to allow others to come hashed out devastation on other Americans on American soil, or anywhere in the world. Common knowledge demonstrate that wealthier Americans; moreover, the rich in general do not serve equal time in jail for crimes committed as the poor. One have to surmise that people work their entire lives to amass riches to achieve an advantage in the world; even if it means special treatment in regard to unequal justice. Even though Betty v. Bradley deprived lawful representation to accusers charged with a crime; however, unable financially to secure representation in 1942, the Supreme Court ruled that the right of legal representation, and the sixth amendment obligated states to provide legal counsel nonetheless (Levin-Waldman, 2012). The writ of habeas corpus provides everyone the right to judge, jury, and trial. This law protects citizens from tyranny, unlawful arrest, and imprisonment without legal representation. The writ of habeas corpus presently address, or intervene between several procedures, (e.g., post convictions, prisoners not charged with a crime, prisoners awaiting trial, death row inmates, and prisoners serving long sentences than usual. The idea of habeas corpus will materialize often when discussing matters of civil liberties and the Constitution, and obviously people in general believe totally in this fundamental right. In the case of major disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina prove the shortcomings of government, and the incorrect intelligence toward finding weapons of mass destruction only substantiate that government assertions may turn out false. Nevertheless, that proves why the right to habeas corpus (a fair hearing before an impartial judge) proves written in the Constitution. Injustice anywhere prove injustice everywhere, and people in the United States regardless of their stature, and wealth stand guarantee the fundamental rights of due process under the law of habeas corpus. The Constitution of the United States make America the greatest country in the world; however, there are those constantly challenging the weight of the Constitution, pushing amendments to uncharted territories, and denying fundamental rights to those thought less deserving. Nevertheless, American patriots stand proud of the idea of a totally free nation, in which every ethnic group, men, and women can thrive together o n the rule of law. Reference Bradley, C. (2010). Clear statement rules and executive war powers. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 33(1), 1439-148. Document ID: 1950961981. Foley, B. (2007). Guantanamo and beyond: Dangers of rigging the rules. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 97(4), 1009-10069. Document ID: 1466824931. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database, in the Ashford Online Library. Foner, E. (n.d.). Lincoln’s abuse of the presidential power [Video]. Available from FOR (2009). Gitmo and the writ of habeas corpus [Video]. Available from Halliday, P. (2011, March 17). Habeas corpus: From England to Empire [Video]. Available from Katyal, N., Bongiovanni, G., & Valentini, C. (2007, December). Terrorism, emergency powers, and the role of the U.S. Supreme Court: An interview with Neal K. Katyal . Ratio Juris, 20(4), 443-455. Retrieved from Academic search Premier (EBSCOhost), in the Ashford Online Library. Levin-Waldman, O. M.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Discrimination against women

Discrimination against women is still a global social epidemic today. Is this true? Women work two-thirds of the world's working hours and produce half of the world's food, yet they only earn 10 per cent of the world's income and own less than 1 per cent of the world's property and only 12. 7 per cent of all parliamentary seats. These statistics show that women are still being discriminated throughout the globe and it is a wake-up call for everyone to the severity of this issue.Discrimination refers to the njust or prejudice treatment of different categories of people, in this case between female and male. A few areas where discrimination against women occurs globally are the dehumanising practices against women, women rape cases, and the glass ceiling in Jobs for women. One area in which women are discriminated is that there are dehumanising practices against women. Dehumanising practices are acts that deny the â€Å"humanness† of a person, it occurs discursively, symbolicall y or physically.Women are abused both verbally and physically in many parts of the world, such as India and Africa. In 28 countries, ranging from east to west, there are cases of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and it has absolutely no benefits for the women, and its main purpose is to deprive them of the pleasure of sex to ensure that they don't cheat on their husbands. However, FGM brings about harmful side effects to the women's bodies; which are bleeding and infections as well as complications to child- birth and all of which may lead to death.Women are the only one who undergoes this, men don't need to do such things as women are viewed to be the weaker sex and are to be controlled. Dehumanising practices causes nothing but harm to women who experience it, and it is still practiced in various parts of the world, mostly in developing countries, and as such serves to support the point that discrimination against women is still a global social epidemic today. Another area which d epicts that women are discriminated against is the numerous rape cases occurring throughout the world.Rape is defined as an instrument used by men to subjugate women, and as women are often seen as objects of desire, men desires them and uses rape to subjugate women. In India, rape and abuse of women is common, as the society is patriarchal. There are over 80,000 rape cases in India that are pending investigation, yet the police or the government have not made significant changes and efforts to resolve this problem. As seen from the above, there is evidence that people's mind- set does not change easily. In the past, gender discrimination was a common ccurrence throughout the world.Although most of the world have moved past gender discrimination, but there are still countries practicing gender discrimination, and it is not one or two, but big enough to make an impact on the world overall. Hence discrimination against women is still a global social epidemic today. One unseen source o f discrimination against women is that there are glass ceilings in jobs for women. Although most societies have moved past gender discrimination, but there is still differences in treatment between men and women, no matter how small n society, and it is mostly observed in workplaces.As the level of authority and power in workplaces and Jobs increase, it is observed that there are less and less women in these levels, only 12. 7 per cent of all parliamentary seats are claimed by unseen glass ceiling that is hindering them, discrimination still prevails even after a few decades of the â€Å"removal of gender discrimination†, Just that now it is more discreet and not that obvious. Hence, discrimination against women is still a global social epidemic today.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Benefits of Human Resource Portals Essay

Torres-Coronas & Arias-Oliva define a human resource portal as a set of applications which avails a single gateway to personalized as well as customized information (2005). It is worth mentioning that Portal strategies are currently being either adopted or employed in many modern organizations. This has been necessitated by the need of organization to implement one common base in terms of Human Resource procedures and policies throughout the organization. In addition, there is an increase in the number of international branches in several organizations due to the urge for global expansion. With this background this paper will objectively discuss the reasons for the popularity of human resource portals among the human resource managers. Human resource portals enable the human resource managers to experience enterprise unification especially if a global HR portal is put in place. This solution ensures the provision of better services to the employees. Besides, human resource managers in global organizations find it very easy to connect directly with the employees and the entire workforce of the firm in all locations. Employees can easily access all the relevant services via the employee portal and as such the human resource manager does not have to attend to each individual employee unless under very special circumstances. This consequently reduces the workload of the human resource managers due to the availability of short cut processes (Torres-Coronas & Arias-Oliva, 2005). Additionally, the managers are in a better position to focus on the achievement of organizational strategic goals. A case in point is the Time Warner’s portal, which is referred to as the Employee Connection. This portal gives the 80,000 employees of this organization, expense reimbursement, access to benefits enrollment and other services (Robb, 2006). The recruitment process has equally been made easier, faster and more efficient. Considering global staffing technology and operations, the BearingPoint portal is a milestone achievement when it comes to global recruitment. Its â€Å"Called Career Connections† enables employees to access and apply for jobs internationally, thus making it very simple for human resource managers to carry out recruitment. Moreover, the referral section found in this portal allows for online employee referrals that give room for new employees, unlike initially where the firm relied on premium job boards which were very expensive (Robb, 2006). It is worth mentioning that these portals are usually affected by issues such as local regulations in terms of taxation as well as privacy. For instance, the Data Privacy Directive employed within the European Union which restricts transmission and monitors the type of data in question. This therefore implies that some employees working in other international branches of any firm may not be able to access information stored in other parts of the world (Hildebrandt & Gutwirth, 2008). However, when the right measures are put in place, there are more advantages that come with the employment of these portals and as such human resource portals are increasingly become more popular among the human resource managers.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Significant works of art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Significant works of art - Essay Example Even though The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter and Hà ´tel de Soubise are different types of architecture, it is critical to note that they share similarities. Both the pieces of arts were developed during a period that was dominated by nobility and monarchy (Palmer 230). Trends within the society demanded glorification of power and luxuriousness of the ruling monarchy and religious congregations (Kleiner 730). The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the city of Vatican portrays qualities that are directly associated with monarchy and authority. This includes imperial rule and the significance of the rule of law. Its public presence enables the building serve as a channel of authority. It is believed to be the holiest site in Christianity as it is St. Peter’s traditional burial site. The architecture calls some attention that from a distance it is highly recognizable. The portrayal of such artistic values acts as a global movement that lay more emphasis on developing actual plans rather than sculptures and figures. On the other hand, Kleiner (2013) notes â€Å"rococo style suggested the taste and social initiative of women...† (p. 729). Thus, wealthy and ambitious society that was dominated by women in France hosted visitors in their salons and private spheres that had a defining female taste based in the artistic rococo style (Honour & Flemin 571- 609). One of these was Hà ´tel de Soubise that was constructed for the Prince and Princess de Soubise. Therefore, both designs were shaped by the societal trends and attempted to portray emotional effects through their depictions (Kleiner 729). Both buildings are quite appealing and luxurious with rich decorations and enough space. In addition, both the architects emphasize on cultural background and socio-political conditions as themes present during their specific periods of existence. In their presentation, both pieces delve more into the use of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Project writting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project writting - Essay Example some cases may be investigated after the outbreak which may result in failure to get appropriate information since other people thought to be involved would no longer be available which would result in getting skewed information with regards to the outbreak of the foodborne illness. The transmission patterns of the disease are often complex hence there would be need for getting detailed information that could be helpful in the determination of such outbreaks. As a result of language barriers or poor employee communication, it can also be difficult to get useful information that could be useful when attempting to determine the outbreak of foodborne diseases. It is often difficult to extract relevant information regarding the role of the food worker in the cause or spread of the outbreak. In some cases, other workers are employed on contract basis and are bound to shift from place to place hence it would be difficult to identify these and observe for symptoms in case of outbreak of disease. Workers are sometimes infected with agents such as norovirus, hepatitis A virus (HAV), salmonella and shigella for instance, hence there would be need to gather all the information that may be relevant. (i) The Brazilian case of multiple foods in which staphylococcus aureus is cited as agent where 2000 were hospitalised and 16 died could have easily been avoided if the prepared food was refrigerated to avoid contamination rather than leaving it at room temperature for a long period. (ii) An outbreak caused by fruit salad in California where hepatitis A virus is agent was responsible for 166 hospitalisations. This outbreak could have been avoided if measures were taken to relieve the ill person from duty until fully recovered. (iv) Salmonella Typhimurium caused an outbreak of diseases in Oregon as a result of intentional contamination of salad bars. This outbreak could have been avoided if all the bars were disinfected using detergents such as jik or other effective

Developing Professional Practice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Developing Professional Practice - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that   there is a need to focus on the financial position of an individual. The two options have varying costs. Therefore, the financial position will be vital in making a decision. There is a need to focus on the time taken for each option. For instance, a course that will take long before completion may have dire effect on career development. Similarly, there is a need to focus on the time schedule. For instance, some curses offer evening and distance learning. This may be a prudent course. Taking a diploma in human resource is a prudent approach especially when in the human resource department. This will increase chances of getting a promotion. On the other hand, the course may be expensive when compared to the certificate in human resource management. Two aspects of group dynamics are group ideology and group cohesion. Research these two and briefly discuss them in around 100 words each in the space provided. Remember to reference your work. How does an understanding of group dynamics, including Tuckman’s model allow HR professionals to be able to perform efficiently as part of a working group? Illustrate your answer with work examples in no more than 150 words in the space provided.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Eassy - Essay Example t is indubitable that all of them need nursing research in order to inform their nursing practice and to be able to provide safe and effective nursing care derived from the best available evidence. It is usually the nurses in clinical settings who are the projected users of research findings of the scientific researches in the area. Due to the inefficient research utilization of the research findings in nursing, many often the patients are unable to gain the best and most effective health care in clinical practices. Significantly, there is a drastic change in the way the health care professionals including the individual practitioners and clinical managers systematize and deliver care to the patients. Therefore, it is most essential to these health care professionals to find and apply new health care knowledge. â€Å"Nursing research improves the practice of nursing and raises the standards for the profession. Involvement in nursing research takes place in designing studies, being p art of a research, collecting data, using research findings to change clinical practice, improving client outcomes and maintaining the cost of health care. Promoting research and research utilisation in practice increases the scientific knowledge base for nursing practice. With the scope of practice constantly expanding for nurses, it is of importance that Enrolled Nurses are familiar with research process, so that they can continue to provide quality care to their clients.† (Funnell, Lawrence, Koutoukidis, and Tabbner 2004, P. 48). In this setting, it is fundamental to comprehend how the nurses working in the clinical setting can ensure that their practice is based on the best available evidence. It is also important to realise the various strategies that nurses in the clinical setting can utilise to enhance the incorporation of research findings to provide safe nursing care. Therefore, research utilisation, which refers to the conversion of the scientific knowledge that has been

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The forgotten group member Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The forgotten group member - Case Study Example For any group to form and establish itself, it must undergo different developmental stages. The first stage is the forming stage. This is the ‘ice-breaking’ stage of the group. This mainly involves membership of the group, as members are accepted into the group.At this stage, members do not know their roles, and mutual trust among them is low, as they attempt to know one another. The second stage is the storming stage. This is the most challenging stage in group formation. In fact, most groups will be stuck at this stage for quite a long period. At this stage, a lot of testing is experienced in the group. The members might test the policies of their group leaders. Members also know what their membership entails, as well as their roles in the group. These might also try to determine their position and relevance in the group power structure. Nonetheless, this is a problematic stage, which requires strong leadership for the group to succeed. The third stage is the norming s tage. This stage is the first where the group will exhibit considerable integration, after the chaotic storming stage. Members will exhibit commitment to the success of the group. Here, members believe to have their roles spelt out clearly, while the question of power in the group is addressed in an organized way, without any emotions involved. The performing stage is fourth, and here, the group is considered mature and functional. Most activity is based on looking for solutions to problems in the group. Generally, communication in the group is effective, and members perform their roles responsibly, without getting in the way of others. The fifth stage is the adjourning stage. Here, the group is considered to have served its purpose successfully, therefore, is disbanded. In this case, Christine’s group is still at the storming stage. This group is chaotic, and the members lack cooperation. They lag behind on the task they were assigned. Mike is stubborn and skips most group m eetings. Although the rest of the group members are potentially competent, they are not dedicated to the group. Members such as Mike are also giving Christine, their leader, a hard time managing the group. If Christine would understand the development stages of a group, she would have utilized the knowledge to push her group forward. She would have understood that her group was at the second stage, therefore, employed relevant strategies, which would minimize the problems at this stage. For instance, she would have enforced rules in her group. These rules were to have disciplinary measures for anyone who failed to adhere to them. This would have been a form of control in the group, as this stage is characterized by emotionality among members, which requires rules to control. Problem Identification The primary problem in this group is unequal group commitment and involvement of group members. This problem will cost the whole group. The secondary problem faced by this group is the que stionable knowledge and skill of individual team members. In this case, from Mike’s behavior, his skill and knowledge is questionable. This problem also affects the whole group. On the other hand, Christine faces a challenge in coordinating the group members. In these cases, one member presents the most problems in the group. Mike is problematic, as he fails to attend most team meetings because of petty excuses. In addition, he fails to complete his role in the team assignment on time, like the other members. In order to have prevented this, Christine ought to have initially considered the aspect of individual membership. For team effectiveness to be guaranteed, leaders have to put the right members on the team. This is with regard to their skills, personal attributes, and those who show interest in group work. Mike does not meet this criterion. Therefore, if Christine had evaluated him prior to granting him membership into the team, she would have known his weaknesses and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Personal Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Philosophy - Essay Example Taking charge of these differences in abilities allows the teacher to take charge of the class and every learner at a personal level. This is crucial in tailoring the learning process to meet the abilities of each learner at an individual level, which ensures that none is left out. In relation to the individual interest of the learner, teaching takes care of the needs of the learner based on his or her interests and not based on the wishes of the teacher. This can be seen in cases where learners should not be forced to engage in activities that they do not like or those in which they are strongly opposed. Instead, learning should be enjoyable on all levels in that they are encouraged and drawn to do that which they find pleasure in rather than engaging in mass activities. Considering the common curriculum applied for young learners, it is not suited for this purpose but for pushing information into learners, which is also called rote learning. Rote learning and personal interests of the learners do not auger well with each other but instead push learners away from the education. In addition to the issue of interests and individualization, it is important to note the role of freedom in the learning process and the role of a teacher. ... Freedom in teaching granted by the teacher kills the boredom that conventional teaching and methods bring, which creates room for learners to explore areas and fields that interest them. Freedom coupled with exploration generates more knowledge as compared to rote learning in which learners only acquire what teachers plan for them (Sarah, 2010). Instead, learners get to collect information from the information and discover that which they like and which learning methods work best for them. This freedom in knowledge also changes the attitude of the learners towards education and teachers creating opportunities for learners and teachers to experience improved relations and support services. Creativity as a philosophy falls under the responsibility of both the learner and then teacher, but more heavily on the teacher. The teachers’ role in fostering creativity is to ensure freedom and allow learners to explore the environment as they interact with one another, where they receive inspiration to come up with their own ideas and interests. This creativity is a strong tool for both learners and teacher such that they can capitalize on it in relation to perception of concepts. This can be seen in cases where learners are allowed to express themselves concerning how they perceive certain objects and events in the environment. This assists in conceptualization of complex concepts that rote learning does not cater and allows individual attention in teaching. Without tapping into the creative ability of learners, the educational system might as well produce dummies, who only follow instruction with no sense of novelty as in the Lean Concept. This is such that the learners only follow the conventional ways

Friday, August 23, 2019

CULTURAL STUDIES & DIVERSITY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CULTURAL STUDIES & DIVERSITY - Assignment Example On the other hand, increase in the birthrate also impacts the organizations in the United States. Increase in birth rates will lead to an increase in population growth. Rapid population growth is accompanied by a proportionate increase in the supply of the labor force. This implies that the rate of job creation should match the rate of labor supply in United States. However, the rate of labor supply has outstripped that of job creation. This shows that the quantity of individuals looking for employment opportunities increases more rapidly than the number of jobs being created. This kind of problem possesses menace to the organization and the employees since there arises conflicts. Change in marital and family arrangements also is a demographic change in the organizations. Change in marital status of people will be reflected by an organization by changing is target market for products. Organizations that keep with the trend in changes in marital status are at a competitive advantage b ecause they can segment their market accordingly. The more data about the change in conjugal status that business leaders have, the more important the information will be on account of it can yield extra experiences on the patterns in change in conjugal status. Diversification in the organization is always viewed as a risk but of late, organizations are getting diversified because of the advantage, it gives them. Diversification of organizations is that aspect of taking risk by investing in many businesses. One of the advantages that this strengthen an organization is in terms of leadership competence. Organization leaders who conduct many businesses for the organization learn new skills of leadership and management hence strengthening the organization. Elsewhere, diversification puts an organization at a competitive advantage. This is because diversification leads to the organization benefiting from its vast operations, unlike its competitors. Another advantage that an

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Theory Essay Example for Free

Theory Essay Explain what you understand by â€Å"theory†. Would you reject a theory of accounting on the basis that a particular research study found results that failed to support the theory? Explain your answer, with particular reference to Watts and Zimmerman’s Positive Accounting Theory, including a discussion of wether any theory can be proved or rejected. The theory is a set of assumptions, propositions, or attempts to provide a plausible or rational explanation of cause-and-effect relationships among a group of observed phenomenon. It is not helpful for improving the relationship between theorizing and qualitative empirical research in social science disciplines. It can be said that research study is established on the basic of theory. So the answer is â€Å"No†. According to Watts and Zimmerman’s Positive Accounting Theory, positive accounting is the branch of academic research in accounting that seeks to explain and predict actual accounting practices. It believes that it is just an object statement about what theory is and that contains no indication of approval or disapproval, instead of whether correct or wrong or being couched in terms of what should be or ought. Therefore, if the result of research failed to support its theory, it does not mean the theory and maybe the process is wrong. And I would not reject this theory. In addition, any others like PAT can also be proved such as agency theory and contracting theory. However, if it is a normative theory which against Watts and Zimmerman’s Theory, it should be rejected.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Blooms Research and Response Essay Example for Free

Blooms Research and Response Essay Each domain has its own set of specific expectations. Bloom broke down his taxonomy into different levels of complexity. They are arraigned in a hierarchy from less to more complex. When teaching, the educator will use the levels so that mastery of the first level is necessary by the learner before the next level can be achieved. The Cognitive Domain focuses on knowledge and developing the skills of comprehension, it also uses critical thinking skills. There are six levels of complexity in this Domain: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. The Affective Domain focuses on how the learner deals with emotions and with his ability to feel empathy for others. Bloom broke down this domain into five levels: Receiving (awareness), Responding (active participation in the learning process), Valuing, Organization, and Internalizing (values held that influence a behavior so it becomes a characteristic). The third domain, the Psychomotor Domain was not broken down into subcategories by Bloom but by Simpson in 1972. The Psychomotor Domain focuses on the ability to manipulate an object physically. This domain has seven levels: Perception, Set (readiness to act), Guided Response, Mechanism, Complex Overt Response (the ability to perform without hesitation), Adaptation, and Origination. When used, Bloom’s Taxonomy will provide the educator with a measurable way to assess the level of comprehension of the taught information by the learner (â€Å"Big Dog and Little Dog’s Performance Juxtaposition,† 2010). Nurses can use Bloom’s teaching method in educating patients with chronic diseases. First the nurse must assess the patient for level of understanding and readiness to learn. The nurse uses the Cognitive Domain to teach the patient about his specific disease and to facilitate understanding of all concepts associated with the disease and its treatments. In following the hierarchy the nurse would start with the simplest information and ideas and increase the complexity of the information after the patient has exhibited comprehension of the previously taught material. Using the Affective Domain the nurse helps the patient deal with his emotions related to his diagnosis and to attach a value to it. Once a patient has processed the information given to him, realizes the importance of managing his care and placing a value on its importance, he is ready to use the psychomotor domain. The educator uses the Psychomotor domain to teach the skills portion of education. Diabetics need to learn how to use blood glucose testing equipment; patients may need to learn how to self-catheterize these are just two examples of skills that nurses teach that fall under this domain. There are many areas of education a nurse teaches daily. One of which is the information given to patients with chronic diseases in order for them to achieve or maintain self-sufficiency. Bloom’s teaching method gives those patients the best chance at mastering the necessary information and skills needed to live day-to-day with a chronic illness.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

How to Write an Architecture Dissertation

How to Write an Architecture Dissertation Presented below is advice as well as general guidance about how to write an Architecture dissertation. Some of the advice and general guidance would be useful for the writing of any dissertation, whilst other parts of it are more specifically relevant for the successful completion of an Architecture dissertation. The purpose of this general guidance is to boost the over all grades received for the submitted dissertations. To begin with, always pay careful consideration to the exact title of any Architecture dissertation before starting to write it. The title of the dissertation can have a direct connection to the standard of the completed work, for better, or indeed for worse. The exact wording of any dissertation title is arguably more important than many students initially realise, and getting it right will increase the prospects for higher marks (if the student adheres to the rest of the guidance below). Indeed the finished Architecture dissertation can potentially be less relevant if the title is too complicated, too vague, or makes it surprisingly difficult to write a dissertation of adequate or appropriate length. Get the dissertation title right, and it is more likely that the completed Architecture dissertation will be concise, relevant, and therefore to the point. It increases the opportunity for the information, data, and diagrams within it answering the question or issue in the most effective manner possible. In other words just what the tutors, and the markers are hoping for. Lets face it nobody would like to have to read and then mark an Architecture dissertation that is as thick as a telephone directory and probably just as stimulating. Once a working title for the Architecture dissertation has been fixed upon the next stage is to commence planning the dissertation. Good or sensible practice is put a structure into place to make the Architecture dissertation better organised and therefore to keep the main subject of the dissertation in focus throughout the completed work presented to tutors and examiners. When dissertations are effectively planned they are more likely to be accurate, as well as being precise. When drafting the plan for the Architecture dissertation it would be sensible to include an abstract, a literature review, an introduction, two or three main chapters, a set of conclusions, and finally a full bibliography. The abstract and the introduction set the background and inform the reader / examiner / tutor how the issues raised in the Architecture dissertation title will be addressed in the rest of the dissertation. The abstract and the introduction need to have an impact, as they give the first impression of the Architecture dissertation. The literature review has the merits of informing the reader / examiner of how the information for the dissertation was gathered and used to shape the arguments and points made in the work. The content of the two or three main chapters is also extremely important as they present the bulk of the information, data, or contentions within the Architecture dissertation. Finally it is the arguments, contentions, and summaries contained within th e conclusions of the dissertation that could make or break the over all standard as well as the impression of the work. It is also worth making sure that the Architecture dissertation adheres to the relevant referencing system so as to avoid having to change it all after the dissertation has been finished. If providing tutors with draft versions of the Architecture dissertation any weaknesses or errors in the referencing system employed would hopefully be addressed at an earlier stage. After finishing the planning for the Architecture dissertation the next stage would be to carry out research in order to write a complete dissertation that will address the specific subject of the title and contain. From that point to then go on to contain the most appropriate as well as relevant information that could possibly be included is a sensible thing to do. Undoubtedly the best places to find the appropriate and thus relevant information to carry out the necessary research to successfully complete the Architecture dissertation are course books, academic journals, as well as the Internet. Course books, text books, and also specialist academic journals are the most likely sources to contain the pertinent information, diagrams, or data for a well-written Architecture dissertation, that is also straightforward to cite, quote, and reference properly. Caution should always be taken before citing or quoting information and data. Although the Internet can be an invaluable source of information due care should always be taken to ensure that online articles are actually accurate, properly referenced, as well as not been subject to copyright protection, which would leave the finished Architecture dissertation prone to allegations of plagiarism. When in the process of actually writing the Architecture dissertation various important factors need to be considered to maximise the opportunities of achieving top marks. For instance: What issues need to be raised, evaluated, mentioned, or covered either in full or in passing within the Architecture dissertation to make fully relevant, or appropriately detailed? Does the information, data, graphs, diagrams, quotes, or technical analysis within the Architecture dissertation assist in the answering of the question being asked? If such content does not make the dissertation better can it amended, improved, or even simply removed? Could the Architecture dissertation be re-worded, amended, or altered in any respect to more relevant, technically more detailed, and easier to read or understand? Would the adding a glossary of terms, or if applicable including Appendices at the end of the Architecture dissertation make it better to read and technically more informative? It would also be sensible to finish the Architecture dissertation earlier than the official deadline date set by tutors, and the Architecture faculty. The early completion of the Architecture dissertation would enable the whole dissertation, or the most important sections of it to be read by tutors, or anybody willing to proof read it for them to suggest amendments and improvements, or point out simple grammatical errors to put right. Tutors generally encourage their students to provide them with draft versions in order to improve the academic standard of the final version of the Architecture dissertation actually submitted.

An Examination of Rips Character in Irvings Rip Van Winkle :: Rip Van Winkle Essays

An Examination of Rip's Character in Irving's Rip Van Winkle Washington Irving wrote Rip Van Winkle with the American people in mind. At this time society was changing drastically. America was attempting to go through a struggle with forming their own identity. America was wanting to have an identity that would set them free from English culture and rule. Irving uses his main character, Rip Van Winkle, to symbolize America. Rip goes through the same struggles that America was going through at this time before and after the Revolution. Irving uses such great symbolism in this story to describe the changes that American society went through. This story covers a wide variety of time periods including: America before English rule, early American colonies under English rule, and America after the Revolutionary War. One main issue of the story was one of identity, especially at this time in history. Rip was having difficulty finding himself throughout the story. His wife constantly nagged at him probably all in good reason. His farm was fading away. He was lazy and unproductive. He underwent many emotional changes throughout the story. He didn't appreciate what he had, and before he could even blink it was gone. Life is too short to not appreciate everything in it and enjoy it to the fullest. In the first paragraph I chose to look at, it leads right into when Rip goes off for a walk to go squirrel shooting. Although the main reason for his walk was to get away for his nagging wife. The story could be interpreted in two different ways. One being that Rip was a lazy bum who did not take responsibility for his wife, children, and farm. He rather go out and drink and hang with his buddies at the tavern. I believe Irving specifically wrote this story for men. The story makes the wife sound like the wretched, nagging, old ugly woman and all she cares about is bothering her husband. This to me sounds all to familiar to what goes on still to this day. I believe the story makes Dame Van Winkle out to be the one in change of the power, but in reality I believe it was Rip.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Arthur Ashe :: Biographies Bio Biography

Arthur Ashe was someone who was able to touch people with not only his superb tennis skills, but also his abilities off the court, like his superb speaking skills and knowledge of the world around him. He was willing to put aside his tennis in order to try to change what was wrong with the world. Arthur Ashe was a brave and gifted person willing to take risks to make a difference and influenced many people's lives. In 1970, Arthur Ashe became a familiar name after Ashe easily won the 1970 Australian Open. He immediately used his new status as a popular, well-known figure in order for him to be able to address social issues and be listened to. During Apartheid, Ashe attempted to ban South Africa's participation in the International Lawn Tennis Federation (ILTF). By calling for South Africa to be banned from the Federation, he immediately saw how great his influence was, as his call was immediately granted. This made all of America take note of Ashe's powerful personal opinions and desire to get them across. Ashe spent the next couple of months after this speaking out against unfair on racial policies. This made everybody stand up and take notice and in addition to getting banned form the ILTF, South Africa was also excluded from Davis Cup competition as a direct result of Ashe's influence with his words. Though he was unable to stop Apartheid with his words, he was able to make people awar e of the horrors going on and also weakened it by getting the tennis organizations to exclude them from competitions, mainly the Davis cup. During this time, Ashe still hadn't given up on tennis, and continued to play well in addition to his large and ever-growing influence. In an unforgettable match, Ashe defeated popular player and Hall of Famer, Jimmy Connors and won the singles title of Wimbledon in 1975. The victory made Ashe the first black man ever to win this extremely prestigious tournament. Even now, no other black man has been able to win Wimbledon. Ashe went on to end the season ranked number one in tennis. He is also the first and only black man ever to achieve that honor. Ashe's career tragically came to an end when he suffered a heart attack while participating in a New York tennis clinic in 1979.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sleepy Hollow:Heads Will Roll Essay -- Art

Sleepy Hollow:Heads Will Roll Have you ever heard of The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow? It’s a wonderful story, written by Washington Irving in 1819. It was then made into a movie entitled Sleepy Hollow by the gothic film maker Tim Burton in 1999. Basically, it tells the story of a constable named Ichabod Crane sent to a small Dutch community called Sleepy Hollow in the state of New York to investigate the deaths of many people found with their heads cut off. The locals say that the murders have been committed by the legendary Headless Horseman and Ichabod does not believe this, but with the help of the fair Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter of the town’s richest man, and the young son of one of the victims, young Masbath, he finds out indeed that a horseman was the key to the murders, but that he was controlled by a person of flesh and blood that possessed his skull, Katrina’s evil stepmother! She killed everyone that made her family suffer in the past to avenge herself and she also assassinated everyone that stood in her path to steal the richest man in town’s fortune: her husband. So Ichabod then recuperates the skull, gives it back to the horseman who then takes Katrina’s mother into his bloody g rave with him. The story takes place in 1799, and the movie represents that time very well. For example, when they write, they use a feather and some ink instead of a pen. Also, there are no cars in the movie, only horses are used. Another thing that is representative of the e...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

A Fan’s View on Angelina Jolie

Not many stars that I like. But she is an actress that I admire very much for talent and her attitude. Her name is Angelina Jolie is an American actress of 36 years. She is a person of admiration. Which is known globally with partner Brad Pitt has adopted children from Africa. In my view, many people may not be able to do the same. She is a very assertive and open. She is a member of the charitable foundation that provides assistance to all who need it. Although very popular, not so presumptuous as all stars. It behaves as if the world outside of the show. Angelina Jolie is a film actress and television. Born in Los Angeles in 1975.Throughout her career she has received numerous awards for his acting achievements, including an Academy Award and three Golden Globes is considered one of the sexiest women in the world and this is the focus of the entertainment press. In mid-2009, Angelina Jolie was ranked first in the list of Forbes magazine among the highest paid actresses in Hollywood , according to data released by the publication. It has three biological children with her partner, fellow actor, Brad Pitt. In 2001 he was appointed ambassador to the United Nations, actively participating with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).Angelina uses its popularity to the media attention devoted to the case of refugees and the terrible conditions in which they live. She has visited many refugee camps and centers in countries like Tanzania, Cambodia, Pakistan, Namibia, Thailand and Ecuador. For his charitable work has been awarded grants humanitarian immigration program for refugees and Church World Service. Angelina Jolie and partner Brad Pitt have donated a million dollars each to two organizations dedicated to helping the disadvantaged, Global Action for Children and Doctors Without Borders.The organization provides aid in nearly 60 countries to people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflic t, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from health care, or natural disasters, for emergency medical assistance to help victims of the Haiti earthquake. Asked what she hoped to accomplish meeting with refugees and internally displaced persons in more than 20 countries, she stated, â€Å"Awareness of the plight of these people. I think they should be commended for what they have survived, not looked down upon. † (Jolie 2003).As seen in previous paragraphs Angelina Jolie is a very bold and sociable. she has always shown love to everyone around the world an example of some publications that are published on the Facebook page: â€Å"On World Humanitarian Day we remember the aid workers who have lost their lives in the line of duty and we honor the extraordinary courage and dedication of humanitarian workers around the world,† she wrote. â€Å"I had the honor and the pleasure of meeting one of these brave individuals before his murder during a visit to Pakistan, where I wit nessed first-hand the incredible devotion of a very kind and gentle man.His name was Mr. Zill-e-Usman. † (Jolie 2012) Angelina Jolie has spent many years helping the poor. The actress feels very fortunate to work as a member of UNHCR and refugees. According to the couple of Brad Pitt said about this: â€Å"It is true that they are the most vulnerable in the world, but paradoxically also the most resistant. They are survivors who have been forced to leave their homes and go without any possession thousands of miles to seek a better life. † (Jolie 2012) No doubt this woman is an example for many people who only care about the physical appearance and not help others.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Family structure Essay

Marriage and divorce statistics show that the Australian people can safe   there family and stay long together, according to the statistics which were currently done on marriage, they show that the people who are married they are still staying together and taking care of there families while the divorce rate is at a very lower rate. The family formation in Australia is complex but it is defined as two people or more people related by blood, marriage. In Australia the family is either composed of couples with or without co-resident of any age, lone parents with co-resident children and other families’ member such as brothers’ sisters living together where by no parent –child exists. Research   has also shown that the number of families that are living in Australia are residents of Australia, and the number of children without there families is very minimal, research has also shown that adoption rate is very high in Australia. Due to the different culture in Australia women and men are the essential elements in life, they understand the importance of a family and understand the structure of a family the culture proposes on the importance of a family to the Australian people and how a man and a woman should be treated in the basis of a family. A man and a woman bring up a family and with this understanding there is need of a man and a woman to play a vital role in the society, therefore there relationship should be valued, in Australia gender relationships are not strict and there are no cultures that support any strict issue on gender relationships. The Arabian have an extended type of a family where by each person is regarded as a basic unit of the society. Therefore this influence of the extended family has an impact on the social and political life in Saudi Arabia. Within this type of a family there is the respect for age, gender roles of men as provider’s and women playing a role in the house hold issues A woman life in Saudi Arabia (2008). The family decisions are always made by the father who is the head of the family although any person who is a member of the family has to give opinions but not in the making of the decisions. Socially this type of family came as a result of the way they live, the Saudi Arabia people socialize among themselves, they marry and they do there business together Marriages and divorces, Australia. (2009). Traditions have supported this type of family structure that is through the strong background of Islamic rules economic and political ideas. Gender in Saudi Arabia is very strict for most of the families and has some cultural habit. The way they figure out the gender role some traditional cultures are very supportive on them for example the role of women in Saudi Arabia are regarded as not obligatory in that certain task are limited to them, they are not supposed to be seen in making decision in fact they should look upon the manhood for the decision making, they cannot be leaders in anyway this is because the inherited culture on women has subjected them up to today to remain dominant Holmes (2008). In Saudi Arabia only men are supposed to vote no woman who is supposed to vote on any political leader, therefore politics have been dominated by the manhood not the women. In Saudi Arabia education has been referred mainly to men, research has shown that the number of people who are educated in Saudi Arabia are men, they have negative impact on educating a woman whereby there traditions define that a woman is supposed to remain and take good care of the house hold wile the man needs to go and work, therefore education is very important to a man not a woman Faith and Freedom (1995) Conclusion The family structure in Saudi Arabia is different from the family structure in Australia. Saudi Arabia people have been driven by there inherited traditions and culture as well as there beliefs on the way of a family, the role played by each member of the family is still remains unchanged. Alsabt. M. (2006) According to the Australian structure of family it has evolved from its traditions to the modernity way of a family. REFERENCES A woman life in Saudi Arabia (2008) woman’s -life-in-saudi-arabia(accessed April 23,2010) Effect of family structure on life satisfaction Australian evidence (2010) (Accessed April 22, 2010) Marriages and divorces, Australia. 2009. Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics accessed April,2010 Holmes,m 2008. Gender and Everyday life. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis. (accessed April 24, 2010) Faith and Freedom (1995) women’s human rights in the Muslim world, Syracuse University Press Alsabt. M. (2006) Arabian Business and Cultural Guide (accessed April 25,2010)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Importance of Roger Mason in ‘The Spire’

Roger Mason is a vital character in the novel, without whom there would be no spire at all. Even before the reader is introduced to Roger there are hints that he will be important to the plot. Jocelin's first mention of the phrase ‘cost what you like' coincides with the first introduction to Roger; this foreshadows the sacrifice of Roger and the breakdown he suffers due to the pressure put on him by Jocelin, the spire and even his relationship with Goody Pangall. In many ways Roger can be seen as the strength behind the spire. From Golding's physical description of him, using phrases such as ‘bullet head', ‘like a bear' and ‘his heavy eyebrows', the reader gains the impression that he is solid and his expertise in building shows him to be very factual and rational. Nearly all of Roger's attributes are the antithesis to Jocelin's; where Roger is down-to-earth, Jocelin is spiritual and deluded. Both men are compared to animals in the novel, Roger is likened to ‘a bear' and a ‘dog' whereas Jocelin is described as ‘an eagle' and ‘beaky', Golding's choice of animals here show the reader how the two men have completely different views of the world. Roger's confrontation with Jocelin highlights the antithesis between them. Roger, as an earthy man, can see that the spire is dangerous and a nearly impossible concept and regards Jocelin's vision with ‘contempt and amusement', whereas Jocelin believes that it will be held up simply by his faith and prayer, ‘God will provide'. These contrary descriptions reappear throughout the novel and intertwine their lives until, ironically, it becomes clear that the spire only gets built due to a combination of Jocelin's delusion and insistence on his vision and Roger's skill. Roger and Jocelin not only have opposing natures but also relationships and interactions with women. Jocelin fails, or refuses, to understand women but Roger has an unusually equal relationship for the medieval times with his wife and they are often seen together around the cathedral, ‘inseparable'. His relationship with Rachel is important as it emphasises Jocelin's inability to deal with a woman who is ‘not like a decent reticent Englishwoman' or ‘silent Goody Pangall', Jocelin spends much of the novel trying to avoid Rachel and Golding continually describes her as a ‘body' or a ‘face'. The fact that Roger can have a friendship with a woman that Jocelin cannot stand outlines their differences. Roger's other relationship with a woman is with Goody Pangall. Unlike his relationship with Rachel, his affair with Goody is passionate and is portrayed as love; Roger watches her walking ‘as though nothing and no one in the whole world mattered'. When the reader first finds out about the affair, it is through Jocelin's perspective, ‘he saw this was one encounter of many. He saw pain and sorrow'. The pain and sorrow may be Jocelin's realisation that he will never have Goody or it may be sorrow in Roger for he has been forced into this by Jocelin. The novel has an inchoate structure that not only shows Jocelin's gradual descent into complete delusion and madness but the loose time frames with some chapters taking place over a month, others over six months also show Roger's growing dependence on alcohol. Golding finally turns the attention of the reader back to Roger when Jocelin visits him at the end of the novel. Roger has suffered a breakdown and is ‘moo-ing' and the reader can see the entire effect that Jocelin and the spire have had on his life. Roger's mental breakdown has turned him into a ‘crab', he is no longer the skilled and reliable ‘bear' he was at the start of the novel. This presentation of Roger shows that he, too, has an irrational side and that he is not in fact that different to Jocelin, Roger turns to alcohol in times of stress and Jocelin turns to prayers, neither of which aid the two characters and these actions eventually end in their downfall. Roger and Jocelin are also not that different in their visions either. The first description of Roger contains the phrase ‘he could see nothing else, or hear or feel nothing else' showing that when Roger is working, nothing distracts him and he becomes oblivious to those around him. The presentation of Roger in this way once more joins him to Jocelin, before the reader has even been given a description of him. This illustrates how important Roger is to the novel and to Jocelin as a tool to build his vision. Overall I think that Golding's language when describing Roger is important because he is antithetical to Jocelin and therefore provides a comparison point. This has been used by Golding to draw attention to Jocelin's delusion and to allow the reader to see Jocelin's growing madness more clearly; however as the novel progresses it also becomes clear to the reader that Roger and Jocelin's characters become less and less contradictory. This is significant as it makes Jocelin's revelation at the end of the novel more pronounced and allows the reader to see that pure facts or pure faith are not effective, but it is a combination of the two that is needed for anything to be achieved.

Linguistic history on punjabi family Essay

My family’s linguistic history is a main role of one person from each family that represents to reflect others. My family’s linguistic history project is based on my mom’s history and how that reflects me. While my mom was growing up, she didn’t loose any language but only gained a language. She gained a language because of her movement, which reflected on me a lot. Most of my mom’s history while growing up did affect me and changed my life too. Her background information spoke the difficulty she had between different languages, which affected me in many ways. These following paragraphs are about my mom’s history and how it flows to reflect me. Starting of with my mom, her name is Manjeet Kaur and her side of the family is from India, Punjab- Amritsar. This country and place reflected on my life because if my mom’s side of the family did not come from India- Punjab, I wouldn’t know the wonderful culture that I represent right know. She was born in 1978, August 5, which did reflect me because if she weren’t born at that time, I wouldn’t be here at this time. She learned to read and write in India when she was 6-years old. Her first language was Punjabi with no problem speaking it but when she transferred to the United States of America, she learned speaking and writing English slowly by slowly. She had hard time speaking English when she transferred to the United States of America but still tried her best. This statement about my mom learning English actually reflected herself because when school had started for the first time, my brother and me more often speak English at home rather than Punjabi. She had learned English by just hearing me and my brother talk in English but she didn’t just stop their to learning English because she knew she was missing out a lot of the main information so she started asking many ELA related question for example, she would ask (How do we say our names in English or How do we greet others and more). While learning English, my mom didn’t really lose her Punjabi language but while teaching my mom English, I learned that for once I am teaching an adult something important which did reflected me. My mom feels strong and robust about her primary language because she is pretty sure that she is not going to forget her primary language. Also, she would not forget her Punjabi language she talks Punjabi with her relatives. My mom feels strong and robust about her primary language because she says â€Å"with her primary language, she has gotten this far to learning English†. My mom says that because I know her primary language well and she knows it too so we translate through that language to get my mom to know English much better. When she uses her primary language, it would most likely be with her relatives using her own language. In the future, she would not forget her primary language because she would be using it with my brother, my dad, and me and so forth with her relatives. In my conclusion, I state that my mom’s linguistic history affects me too in many ways. This also would affect me because I have a main role to conduct and support my mom that she could accomplish her goal to learn English and not to forget her primary language. These interviews really help me gather information on her history and answered all of my questions the way I asked. Language learned or lost both was answered and completed her feeling and thinking’s on the specific languages. The future of her language helps me conduct this essay in a good way too but the main part on how these question and answers reflected me.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Australia Law of North V Marra Developments Ltd †Free Samples

The leading case of North V Marra Developments Ltd (1981) was decided by the High Court of Australia on 9 th December 1981. The Hon’ble Stephen, Mason, Murphy, Aickin and Wilson JJ decided the case against the Appellant and in favor of the Respondant. As per the fact of the case, the Appellants are the member of a stock broking firm (Sydney Stock Exchange Ltd). The Appellants were initially trading in the name of NORTHS but are now considered as J. & J. NORTH. In 1954, Marra (Respondent) was incorporated as a public company. There were various rural properties that were acquired by Marra in 1974 in New South Wales. Its ninety three percent issued and paid up capital was held by 5 families. The shares of the company were listed on Sydney Stock Exchange. But, prior to 1974 the true value of the company assets were not depicted with the help of the balance sheets of the company or the market value of the assets. Considering with the situation, the Appellants in around December 1972-February 1974 submitted that there is a need that market capitalization of the asset must be done so that the true value of the Marra assets can be determined. There were three recommendations that were given by the Appellant and all the three were accepted by the Respondent. It is alleged by J. & J. NORTH that they have provided advisory services regarding the reorganization of the capital of Marra Developments Ltd. ("Marra") and advised on the takeover of Marra upon Scottish Australia Holdings Ltd. ("Scottish") and thus they are eligible for remunerations and the interest thereon from the Respondents. (Jade, 2017) Thus the main issue that was developed from the facts of the case was whether the Appellant is liable to claim the remuneration with interest from the Respondent. Now, because of the acts that are undertaken by the appellant and the Respondent, the major duty that was violated is submitted herein under. That the agreement amid the Appellant and the Respondent to carry out the scheme and the carrying out the scheme itself (of capitalization and takeover) are in violation of section 70 of the Securities Industry Act 1970 of New South Wales. The scheme itself and its conduct both are illegal in nature. (Armson, 2009) Because of the act, there is violation of section 1041A (Price Manipulation) and section 1041B of the Corporation Act 2001 (False Trading and Market Rigging). The main reason because of which the duties were considered to be violated are: The prices of the shares are increased by appellant involvement of buying the shares. The Appellant filed a case, however, the same is rejected by the Supreme Court of New South Wales. It is submitted but Meares J, that the argument of the defendant that the acts of the Appellant involves illegality is valid as the acts are in violation of section 70 of the Securities Industry Act 1970. The Appellant filed an appeal to the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal also dismissed the appeal of the appellant, Against the decisions of the Court of Appeal, the Appellant filed the present appeal. On 9 th December 1981 the Hon’ble Stephen, Mason, Murphy, Aickin and Wilson JJ submitted that the proposal which is recommended by the Appellant and which is later carried out by both the appellant and the defendant regarding the purchase/sale on the Stock Exchange in the Respondent is not found to be legal. It is decided that the agreement to carry out the scheme and the carrying out the scheme itself are in violation of section 70 of the Securities Industry Act 1970 of New South Wales. The scheme itself and its conduct both are illegal in nature. The court also held that the actions of the parties are not such which resulted in considering the same as conspiracy to deceive. Thus, the amount that is claimed by the Appellant cannot be recovered and the appeal stands dismissed.   The High Court decided that the amount that is claimed by the Appellant cannot be recovered and the appeal stands dismissed.   The main reasons that are attributed by the High Court which form the basis of the decision is submitted below and is critically analyzed: (O'Connell, 2013) In the Corporation Act 2001, considering the observations that are made Mason J and the changes under the 1980 Act, few variations were made regarding the market rigging and the false market provisions. There were few amendments that were made to section 998 of the corporation Act 2001. Because of the above facts, it is submitted by Mason J that any activity which gave the market false or misleading appearance is prohibited under statue. The acts of the appellant were against the statutory prohibition and thus the actions were illegal so they are not permitted to take advantage of any statutory wrong; These actions of the appellant were not regarded as legal in concern with section 70 of the 1970 act (E.T. Fisher &Co. Pty. Ltd. v. English Scottish and Australian Bank Ltd.  (1940). The actions of the Respondent with the help of the appellant which has resulted in enhancing the market price of the company of the respondent so that there is completion of takeover is an act which in contract to the provisions of section 70 of the Act. Thus, an illegal act cannot justify any benefits to be accrued in favor of the default. So, the appellant itself at fault cannot claim remuneration for an illegal act. The court held that the appeal of the appellant is not found to be favorable not because the agreement in which they are relying is in violation of section 70 but mainly because the actions in which they indulged into are itself illegal in nature. So, on those grounds it is decided by the High court that the appellant is not rightful in suing the Respondents and claim their remunerations on the basis that the acts in which they indulge into are itself illegal in nature. In the leading case there were series of observations that were made in relation to section 70 of the 1970 Act. Mainly the interpretation of the section signifies that there must be presence of some element in order for the application of the section. The   law submitted by Majon J is now not applicable in the current law . however, based on the observations that are made by the Hon’ble Judhe there were changes that were brought in Securities Industry Act 1980 (Cth) (1980 Act). (O'Connell, 2013) In the Corporation Act 2001, considering the observations that are made Mason J and the changes under the 1980 Act, few variations were made regarding the market rigging and the false market provisions. There were few amendments that were made to section 998 of the corporation Act 2001. However, again the market rigging and the false trading provisions were amended by the Financial Services Reform Act 2001 (Cth). The main changes that are brought in are that civil penalty provisions are made under Part 9.4B which includes few misconduct provisions inclusive of market rigging and false trading in (section 1041B of the corporation Act 2001) This change has reflect a doubt that it is very troublesome and expensive for the law to be applied by applying criminal standard of proof and it is more efficient and appropriate to apply the civil sanctions. Thus, now civil case can be brought which is based on the violation of section 1041B (1) by complying with civil standards of the balance of probabilities and there is no need for the establishment of any kind of fault or intention. Now if there is violation of section 1041 B (1) then a liability of @ $200,000 be imposed to an individual and @ $1 million for a body corporate. Thus, the leading case of North V Marra Developments Ltd and with the current reforms that are brought in then there is no need for the establishment of any kind of fault or intention. Ann O'Connell (2013) Protecting the Integrity of Securities Markets — What is an ‘Artificial Price’?: DPP (Cth) v JM, Melbourne Law School. Emma Armson (2009) False Trading and Market Rigging in Australia,   Corporate Law Teachers Association Conference, ANU College of Law. E.T. Fisher &Co. Pty. Ltd. v. English Scottish and Australian Bank Ltd.  (1940) 64 CLR 84 North V Marra Developments Ltd (1981). Scott v. Brown, Doering, McNab &Co.  (1892) 2 QB 724 Jade (2017) North V Marra Developments Ltd (1981) (Online). Available at: Accessed on 1st October 2017. Looking for an answer 'who will do my essay for cheap',

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

International Scholarship Candidates Selection Essay

International Scholarship Candidates Selection - Essay Example Further, RasGas may choose candidates who will fail to complete their chosen educational programs and create a sunk cost loss for RasGas. The use of an objective rating scale linked to organizational goals and future performance can limit these potential losses and increase the chances of securing productive employees post graduation. In order to create a winning proposition, one of the focus areas for RasGas is the 'development of its employees and the organisation', which can only be realized when the company is in a position to objectively rate the performances. Motivational factors arouse a need, propelling a person to channelise his efforts and energies in the direction of fulfilling those needs. These needs are aroused in the employee of an organization to increase the output, provide quality, increase efficiency, maintain industrial peace etc. An effective management must understand the fact that there are at least two ways by which the behavior of employees could be directed towards the productive pursuits in the organization. One is by changing the personality, i.e. the internal psychological structures of the person, which is a long-drawn and uncertain process. Another strategy is to modify the characteristics of the situation prevailing around the employees. These situational factors have tremendous influence in shaping one's personality. Providing suitable ambience and opportunities for career development and education hold the key in setting the process in motion. 2. Aim: To design a Success Predictability Scale for scholarship candidates Objectives: Analysis of the present policies of RasGas to encourage the talent. Analysis of the levels of motivation and urge for pursuing higher studies amongst the existing staff by conducting interviews and by observing them on the job. Analysis of the internal reports and other data about RasGas available in the public domain. Establishing a documentary link between scholarship awards and degree fields that supports the long-term goals and objectives of the organization. 3. Benefits to the Organization: The benefits to RasGas for using an objective success potential scale linked to organizational objectives for scholarship candidates are: Enhance the reward potential of opportunity costs associated with a scholarship candidate. Lower potential and actual economic losses associated with the scholarship program. Increase the chances of successful degree completion by scholarship candidates. Saving of as much as $500,000 US on candidates who are less likely to complete their assigned programs and make contributions to the organization that exceed the organization's investment in their education. Motivated employees, who in turn help the company more efficient and competitive. Motivation and encouragement leads to lesser attrition rates and turnover ratios, which in turn saves lots of costs associated with recruiting a team of new person time and time again. RasGas considers its workforce as one of its greatest assets and with people from over 36 different nationalities working together within the organisation, encouraging career development

Monday, August 12, 2019

Website Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Website Analysis - Essay Example It has only used the phrases that must be used. This in itself sends a strong message. This tends to show that the company believes its their products, (Thomas and Stoddard 89). The website is easy to navigate. The key buttons are arranged horizontally on top of every page in the website. This means that a customer can access the index from any page of the entire site. The index is the first page of the website. It s also called the home page. In most websites, the index is accessed through a link button called home. The index is the image of the entire website. It shows a brief overview of the contents of the entire site and contains the main links. The website has a well thought out index with well labeled links, (Thomas and Stoddard 89), making it easy for any visitor to navigate through the website. The Apple website has multiple articles. A website with exceptionally few articles show the company is either small or the site development was in a hurry. This website has many informative articles. The information varies from the products, history of the apple company to their future plan, (Thomas and Stoddard 89). Some of these articles carry information that would not be found elsewhere. This leaves the audience feeling the website is worth their time. The apple website is not static. It contains dynamic data. It is easy to see images swapping, products blinking, and images of Apple products just as they appear in the market, (Thomas and Stoddard 89). Moreover, the website is truly interactive. It is possible to check the features of apple products from the website, e.g. apple laptops, imacs, etc. Then order for it through the same website. The website can simply interact with its audience and achieve the intended goal. It has a place for enquiring any issue concerning Apple and its product, (Thomas and Stoddard 89). These are plenty of resources to download, ranging from text to audio data content. This data is

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Manuscript Discussion Section Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Manuscript Discussion Section - Essay Example In this study affinity chromatographic technique has been used to derive binding affinities. With the application of affinity chromatography to direct determination of functional activities, there is problem with determination of functional activities, indicating the fact that affinity in binding may not be directly correlated with the pharmacological action of the drug on the pharmacological target. In case of competitive agonists and antagonists, these properties are related using Cheng-Prusoff relationship, where Ki is the binding affinity of the inhibitor, IC50 is the functional strength of the inhibitor, S is substrate concentration, and Km is the affinity of the substrate for the enzyme. The Cheng-Prusoff relationship cannot be used with NCAs due to occurrence of allosteric interactions. The relative antagonistic activities of a series of noncompetitive antagonists, namely, imipramine, ethidiuum, phencyclidine, dextromethorphan, and mecamylamine expressed as IC50 values towards nAChRs can be measured using data from affinity chromatography on an immobilized nAChR stationary phase using nondirect method of multivariate analysis for assessment of IC50 values.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Basic Summary of Elliot Aronson's 'Social Animal' Essay

Basic Summary of Elliot Aronson's 'Social Animal' - Essay Example Aronson has fundamentally asserted that people tend to move along with the mob in general because if they do not, they are offered social resistance. They may change their personal opinion in favor of the majority either to escape a punishment, seek a reward or else, because of lack of confidence in their personal judgment. Conformity is essentially compliance if the objective is reward/punishment centered. It is identification if the individual’s intention is to develop affiliation, and it is internalization, if the individual conforms if he/she actually thinks it is rational. Aronson has also discussed some personality variables like self esteem, courage and experience that determine the level of conformity in an individual’s attitude. Then Aronson discussed obedience in context of conformity, and finally, the role of an uninvolved bystander as that of a conformist, because he/she overlooks the tragedy because everybody else does the same. Overall, the article is a ve ry comprehensive and though provoking demonstration of

Friday, August 9, 2019

Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tao He Cheng Qi Tang Essay

Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tao He Cheng Qi Tang - Essay Example night sweats. Cold signifies reduced functional level of an organ system. The patients will present with chills, body aches, poor circulation, fatigue, anorexia, indigestion, diarrhoea, arthralgia or joint pains, slow speech and tardy movements, aversion to cold and inclination to warmth or heat. This embodies patients with hypoendocrine conditions. Damp indicates fluid excess in the body with lack of thirst, abdominal bloating, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, sense of heaviness of the body, and joint pains with stiffness and soreness. Dryness is the reverse of dampness where the clinical picture consists of dry hair, lips, mouth, nose, skin, throat; excessive thirst and constipation (Wang, H.M., 2006).Tai yang syndrome is the Chinese name of Wind/Cold. This is a disharmony, and if this progresses or moves deeper into body, it may convert into Shao Yang, where Wind/Cold may come to exist side by side with Wind/Heat. Each phase of symptoms has characteristic signs and symptoms and specific treatment directed to reversal of the condition. When a physician consults patients, the first step is to exclude extrinsic or exogenous disease. When excluded, the next step is to identify intrinsic disease. The exogenous diseases are identified by two methods. These are syndrome differentiation according to six meridians or syndrome differentiation according to defense system, wei; vital energy, qi; nutrient, ying; or blood, xue. The six meridian method investigates pathological alterations over an exogenous disease, specially for shanghan, which is acute disease caused by exogenous cold evils. This is recognized clinically as chills, general aches and pains, belching, a tense... Liao, H., Banbury, L.K., and Leach, D. N., (2007). Elucidation of Danzhixiaoyao Wan and Its Constituent Herbs on Antioxidant Activity and Inhibition of Nitric Oxide Production, Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicine; 0.1093/ecam/nel091.

Theories of Democracy - Against Human Rights Essay - 2

Theories of Democracy - Against Human Rights - Essay Example Even wars on the basis of humanitarian grounds should be avoided to prevent loss of lives and the absence of cultural relativism in some of the nations that are known to endure the set ideas and principles of different regions. According to Ã… ½iÃ… ¾ek, human rights are defined as exercising the freedom to choose any given thing without violating the freedom rights of others, even if it means defying war. Interestingly, Ã… ½iÃ… ¾ek is supportive of humanitarian interventions only so far as they are found protecting and assisting human life. Even though he is not very excited about humanitarian interference in general, he feels that such interventions should be safeguarded. Irrespective of the beliefs of the people in a particular nation, their lives must be protected and supported in terms of its concepts and standards. A true democracy will always stand out in its ability to defend its citizens. Freedom and Democracy are significant rights, mentioned by the writer, should be implemented even at home in a nation that supports such rights. It is important to note that there is nothing universal about â€Å"right.† There is more than one way to getting things done and this is evident in the varied cultural perspectives, distinct world features, unique rituals and cultural identifications. Ã… ½iÃ… ¾ek points out that it is wrong to overlook the differences unique to varied races. A lot of unrest and conflicts in the world arise when nations try to impose their way of acting on other nations and this, in turn, produces war rather than peace. Intolerance towards other people’s viewpoints is the main damaging force that corrupts nations.  

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Comcast Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comcast - Research Paper Example The company’s growth has considerably increased for the last few years. Secondly, DirecTV is a provider of American direct broadcast satellite service in California. The DirecTV’s satellite service was launched in 1994; it engages in the transmission of digital satellite television and audio mainly in the United States and Latin America. DirecTV had 19.2 million subscribers at the end of 2010. The third organization of choice, The Verizon Communications engages in broadband and telecommunications business globally; it is an element of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Financial position of Comcast While conducting a thorough scrutiny on the financial statements of the Comcast during the past several years, it is clear that the company is rapidly moving towards economic expansion. In 1995, the book value of a company’s share was $8.19 and it reached $15 per share in 2009. It shows that the company could double its price per share during this period of 14 years. An increase in share price is the direct indication of increased market demand for the Comcast’s services. ... It has been identified that Comcast’s net profit margin rose from 4.2% in 1999 to 8.4% in 2009 (Comcast). During this same time span, the firm’s operating margins and return on equity notably improved. Finally, the Comcast’s total selling/general/administrative expenses climbed from $5,075 billion in 2006 to $8,091 billion in 2010 (Comcast). Financial comparison As in the case of Comcast, DirecTV also shows a rampant increase in its total revenues during the last few years. The DirecTV’s total revenue indicates the figure $24,102 billion while it was $21,565 billion in 2009 (DirecTV). In contrast, Verizon’s total revenue faced a decline in 2010; it fell from $107,808 billion in 2009 to $106,565 billion in 2010. As a result, the Verizon also faced a decline in net profit by $2345 billion (Verizon). The Verizon’s financial statement reflects that its economical position is not satisfactory. The company’s net income gradually diminished a nd the Verizon even suffered a net a loss by $2,193 billion in 2008. The poor financial performance of the Verizon Communication in 2008 can be directly attributed to its increased total of selling/general/administrative expenses ($41,517 billion) (Verizon). On the other hand, it seems that the DirecTV reflects a better financial performance during the past several years except in 2009. The DirecTV’s net incomes were $1,420; $1,451; $1,521; $942; and $2,198 billions respectively in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. Although, the DirecTV struggled with $942 billion net income in 2009, it could effectively resurrect in 2010 by increasing the net income by $1,256 billion (DirecTV). Evidently differences exist in the financial statement composition of these three

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Pennsylvania Association Essay Example for Free

Pennsylvania Association Essay The right to an appropriate public education and equal treatment of children with disabilities has been a highly contested issue in the last few decades. Until 1975, most disabled children were deliberately segregated and denied the right to education. In 1971, a case was filed by the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children against the Common Wealth of Pennsylvania (PARC v. PA) on the access of to public education by the children with disabilities. Attorney Thomas K. Gilhool represented PARC while Attorney Gen. , Ed Weintrub represented the defendants in the three judge case. The concerned parents (plaintiff) through their attorney argued that children with disabilities were denied free access to education and/or an appropriate and adequate education under the then instructional programs (United States District Court, 1971). Inspired by the equal rights movement, the parents presented their claim through Attorney Thomas who based his argument on the Brown v. Board of Education case which had ruled out that the equal but separate schools’ segregation in practice was unconstitutional under the Federal constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment. However, the defendants (commonwealth) did not struggle for the exclusion of such children but rather opted to collaborate with the United States federal court and PARC to arrive at a consent agreement. The case led to a landmark decision affirming that children with disabilities have an equal right to education at the expense of the public including due processes. Ruling on the case, the judges referred to Section 1304 of the 1949’s Public School Code under which they forbid any form of denial of access of the mentally retarded children to free public education and/or training program (Ibid). Quoting Section 1372(3) of the same code, the court ruled against denial of home based instruction to any child with child retardation on the basis that the disability due to retardation is not short-long-term and/ or that the retardation is not accompanied by physical disability. The ruling also obliged the defendants to conduct with immediate effect a reevaluation of the stated plaintiffs including all other mentally retarded individuals of 6 to 21 years and provide every one of them appropriate and free public education program and training in line with their abilities (Wise Fagan, 2000). PA was also ordered to provide a preschool program for both mentally healthy and retarded children below six years of age according to their abilities The ruling demanded that commonwealth provide free appropriate public education (FAPE) which is an individualized educational and training program that meets the specific needs of each individual according to their type of disability. This implies that a school psychologists, regarded as a diagnostician with the responsibility of conducting individual study and evaluation of abnormal cases to provide recommendation. The psychologist is concerned with the assessment and arrangement of contingencies for groups or individual students (Ibid). The ruling of this case expanded the scope to which the psychologist could intervene into individualized cases as the limited focus on individualized instruction formerly practiced was lifted. For instance, prior to this case, a school psychologist would have been limited to offer intervention programs recommending special or individualized care since segregation did not allow it. This means that the school psychologist is no longer limited in the range of individualized remedies they can offer to various instructors. The U. S Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA Act) governs the manner in which public agencies and states provide special education and early intervention programs for children with disabilities. It focuses on the age bracket ranging from birth to 21 years of age. IDEA was formed from the preceding Education for All Handicapped Children Act which is a product of several federal laws ruling against the unconstitutional segregation and deprivation of public education and training programs to children with disabilities (Network of Advocates for Promising Practices in Education). The ruling of the PARC v. Common wealth case provided the platform for these similar cases that facilitated for the 1975’s Education for All Handicapped Children Act that guaranteed for the first time, constitutionally protected rights to an appropriate and free public education to youths and children with disabilities. Amendments on the law in 1990 had the name of the Act changed to IDEA. This 1971 ruling has continued to impact on IDEA and disabilities issues at large since through its consideration, the former unconstitutional segregation of schools on separate but equal basis was nullified. References Network of Advocates for Promising Practices in Education, IDEA History. Retrieved 27 May 2010 from http://www. etsu. edu/idea/nappe/ideahistory. html. United States District Court. (1971). Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 334 F. Supp. 1257 (E. D. PA 1972). E. D. Pennsylvania. Retrieved 27 May 2010 from http://www. faculty. piercelaw. edu/redfield/library/Pdf/case-parc. pennsylvania. pdf. Wise, P. S. Fagan, T. K. (2000). School Psychology: Past, present, and future. (2nd ed. ). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Growth of a Business Essay Example for Free

Growth of a Business Essay When a business grows in size it will need more staff to carry out:- *Existing jobs e.g. in a chocolate factory it may need more people to operate the production lines it it moves from 4 to 5 lines. *New jobs e.g. if a company expands to overseas it will need to recruit staff who are capable of speaking foreign languages. When existing jobs are being expanded, human resource specialists simply need to copy existing practice on a larger scale. They can do this by interviewing more people and advertising more widely etc. More detailed thought is needed if new jobs are to be created. This is even more important if the jobs being created are different to the jobs that already exist within the company. If Norwich Airport they would need to employ a lot more security guards. This would be due to the increased numbers of passengers going through the airport and the terminals. If Norwich Airport started to fly to new destinations they would need new staff who could speak the language of the country. They could do this training their existing staff to speak the languages or they could recruit externally people already with the capability to speak those languages. CHANGING JOB ROLES WITHIN THE BUSINESS In recent years there has been a decline in standardised jobs. The change of a job role is usually down to changing and advancing technology. This involves employees taking more responsibility in decision making. This is known as empowerment. The development of new jobs requires a lot of research. Looking at the best practice in an industry often does this. Sometimes it is done by looking at the development of new jobs particularly in the USA. FILLING VACANCIES CREATED BY RESIGNATION, RETIREMENT OR DISMISSAL Vacancies come about for a number of reasons. This could include retirement, dismissal, expansion or even death. When some body moves on it is normally necessary to replace them. Before this is done the company will need to decide if it would be best to get a employee similar to the previous one or if it would be best to to get someone with new skills because the job has moved on and more skills are required to carry the job out properly. In some cases this has effected Norwich Airport. In some extreme cases they have had to dismiss employees who have lied about foreign languages they can speak. When Norwich Airport first opened, they only offered flights to a few select countries. But since then they have expanded and a far wider range of flights are now offered. With this they have a lot more people using them rather than using the larger London airports or the near by Luton airport. With the extra money they are still thinking of expanding even more in the near future. In some cases the job that has become available does not always need to be filled. There are amny factors that Norwich Airport takes into account before deciding whether or not a replacement is required. They will always consider: * Is there still a need for that job? * Do the benefits derived from this job justify the total cost of filling it? E.g. advertising, salary, training etc. * Is it essential that the vacancy is filled immediately? * Rather than employing a new member of staff would it be best to reorganise the workload within the company/department to cover the position. * Will the job need to be full or part time? * Will there still be the need for this job in 12 or 18 months time? Is the post likely to be affected by current or future organisational changes or different work methods. Will the job therefore be temporary or permanent? And for this reason will there need to be a fixed term contract. INTERNAL PROMOTION There is always the opportunity for internal promotion. This is a good form of motivation as it gives employees something to aim for within the organisation. This should make the employee try to impress in his current job rather than looking else where outside of the company. But if an employee is to be promoted, then someone else would have to be employed to cover their previous position. It is extremely important that the right candidate is selected. The recruitment process can be extremely costly. To set up an effective recruitment process it takes a great deal of time. Once a job has become vacant it is very important that the company should then analyse the job. This is when they will decide what will be entailed in the available job. How to advertise, sift through the applications, checking which applications best meet the criteria, interviewing candidates and then the most important, selecting the best candidate. When a job becomes available at Norwich airport they decide whether to recruit internally or externally. From our meeting I discovered that 50% of the time they will recruit internally only, and the other 50% they will recruit internally and externally. They often decide to recruit internally only because they can save a lot of money. They save a lot on advertising costs and it normally takes them less time to train the employee if they already have some experience working within the airport. Often they have noticed that when an employee knows that there is the chance of promotion it enhances their rate and quality of work because it acts as a motivator. However they have also found disadvantages when recruiting within the company. They have to replace the person who has been promoted, this means that they have ended up advertising for two jobs instead of just the one. In the past they have had arguments and disputes or another employee has been upset that someone else has been promoted instead of them. However, from our meeting I understood that their better employees in the past were ones who had been promoted as a pose to the ones who had been employed externally. This has always been the case when they have been first employed because they have a better understanding of the business. NEW POST Sometimes rather than a current post becoming available a new post all together may become vacant. But before the new post is confirmed it must be approved in the companies budget. This may not be the case and a supplementary budget will have to be applied for. If this is not the case then the recruitment process will be unable to go ahead. There must be available work space and enough available equipment for the new person. If all of the above are ok, then Norwich Airport decide on a realistic start date. When this is decided upon, the airport would work backwards from this date to plan each stage of recruitment. Below is a realistic time plan for Norwich Airport if they were to advertise externally. A typical time plan would be for about 3 months. 21 January complete staff vacancy request form and hand into human resources department. 22 January write job description and interview report form, allowing time for the approval of the line manager. Pepare advert and job particulars. HUMAN RESOURCES MUST BE NOTIFIED THAT THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS HAS BEEN STARTED! 2 February send the above papers to human resources. 9 February if appropriate the job will be evaluated. Human resources will book space and send advert to media. 16 February the advert will appear. Interview dates and panel members must be decided upon. 18 February applicants respond. 4 March closing date for response from potential applicants. 7 March final candidates are shortlisted. 8 March candidates are contacted to arrange interviews. 15/16 March interviews take place. 17 March the post is offered to the successful candidate. 17 April after one month notice period the candidate would start.